A person with their hands in prayer

Statement of Faith

As a Baptist, we hold to these core beliefs and affirmations of our faith:

  • 1 The Authority of Scripture: We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God. It is the final authority in matters of faith and practice, revealing God's will and guiding us in all aspects of life.
  • 2 The Trinity: We believe in one God who exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each person is fully God, yet there is one God.
  • 3 Salvation by Grace through Faith: We believe that salvation is a gift from God, not earned through our efforts or good works. It is received by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, who died on the cross for our sins and rose again, offering forgiveness and eternal life to all who believe.
  • 4 Believer's Baptism: We believe in believer's baptism, which is the immersion of a professing believer in water. This act symbolizes the believer's identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and their commitment to follow Him.
  • 5 Priesthood of All Believers: We believe in the priesthood of all believers, meaning that every believer has direct access to God through Jesus Christ. We are all called to serve and minister to others, using our spiritual gifts for the edification of the church and the proclamation of the Gospel.
  • 6 Congregational Autonomy: We believe in the autonomy of the local church, where each individual congregation is self-governing under the lordship of Christ. While we value cooperation and fellowship with other churches, each church is responsible for its own affairs and decisions.
  • 7 Separation of Church and State: Seperation of church and states means the state should not sponsor a church state. It does not mean the christian should not promote christian values in the public square.
  • 8 The Second Coming of Christ: We believe in the personal, visible, and glorious return of Jesus Christ to judge the living and the dead. He will establish His eternal kingdom, where believers will dwell with Him forever.

These are the foundational beliefs that shape our Baptist faith. While there may be variations among different Baptist churches and individuals, these core principles serve as a guide for our worship, service, and devotion to God.